Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Galaxy Far Far Away

When Disney purchased Star Wars from Lucas I was very excited. The day they made the announcement was the same day as the Episode VII announcement. I remember being in my living room with some friends and just cheering at the fact that we would be getting a new Star Wars film. I've been a Star Wars fan for years, and not just the movies but the entire expanded universe.

For those of you that are unaware, the Star Wars universe is much larger than the six movies that most people are familiar with. There are hundreds of novels, comics, video games, cartoons, and short stories that tie into the universe. My wife and I love all of it and have a major majority of the material.

I was looking to see when another new Star Wars novel would be released and now I find myself a little worried at the upcoming events centered on the Star Wars franchise. I found out that a book trilogy based on Jana Solo, which would take place after the last main story (Crucible set 45 years after episode 4), has been put on hold and would possibly be cancelled once Disney decides on what stories would be canon and what would be thrown out. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

If Disney does anything to screw up the awesome story and collection that is Star Wars then I will be very disappointed, and I know that this will happen but I’m still holding out hope that it won’t. I’m a fan of all six movies (yes I love episodes I-III) and the expanded universe adds so much more meat to the characters that it would be a shame to toss out all the hard work that’s been put into making the universe have a very connecting time line. Everything tied into this universe. I love when events in a comic are mentioned in a novel, or something that happens in a game has repercussions later in a comic.

Nothing has been confirmed yet but I know the day is coming when Disney will say that only the six movies count and they will be starting over with everything else. If this turns out to be the case then I wish Disney never had purchased Star Wars. How hard would it be to start up 45 years after the last movie and count everything that’s happened? Yes, Chewbacca is dead and the Solo’s have had a few misfortunes as far as kids go, but all you would need is a nod toward that and the common viewer would be fine. If they want to know how Chewbacca died I’m sure they could ask someone sitting next to them or look it up on the internet. There is no need to throw away 30 years of work and start over just because you are Disney.

Here is hoping that JJ knows what he is doing with this franchise and keeps it all connected. Until next time, this is Matt signing out. Later!

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