Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Special Countdown #13

Justice League: Comfort and Joy

A Justice League Christmas special, ahh this one gets me every time. It is a twenty minute special broken up into three different parts. Green Lantern and Hawkgirl spend the holiday on a snow covered planet, where Green Lantern tries to show Hawkgirl how much fun can be had by playing in the snow, and hawkgirl retaliates by showing how much fun can be had at a bar. Then there is the Flash story, which shows the scarlet speedster visiting an orphanage and asking the kids what they want for Christmas. Of course, they all want the hottest toy on the market and the Flash sets out to find it. Then, in Smallville, Clark Kent brings the Martian Manhunter home for Christmas dinner. Interested in learning more about the Christmas holiday Manhunter tags along and this is the story that gets me every time. There is a part at the end that will bring a tear to your eye. I LOVE THIS special. Have a great day everyone, it’s almost Christmas.

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