Thursday, December 4, 2014

Christmas Special Countdown #21

A Chipmunk Christmas

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are working hard in the recording studio practicing for their Christmas program that they are performing at Carnegie Hall on Christmas Eve. Alvin spends most of the time distracted by the thoughts of presents and wants nothing more than to go Christmas shopping. While Dave is setting up the studio Alvin and his brothers set out to see what wonderful items are in stores this year. Alvin makes his way to a music store and overhears a mother talking about her ill son, Tommy, to her daughter. The two are looking at the Golden Echo Harmonica, and thinking about how much better Tommy would feel if they could get it for him, but sadly the price was too high. Alvin, getting into the spirit of Christmas decides to give his Golden Echo Harmonica to Tommy as a gift. Returning home, Alvin and the Chipmunks are greeted by Dave, who has wonderful news for Alvin. Carnegie Hall wants him to do a Harmonica solo during the program and they want him to use his Golden Echo Harmonica. Now Alvin sets out to try and raise enough money to purchase the music stores harmonica before Christmas Eve. This special has a few tear jerk moments but overall is a wonderful and happy Christmas special with awesome music. I highly recommend checking this out this year, right Alvin?......Alvin?...... ALLLVVIIIINN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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