Sunday, December 21, 2014

Christmas Special Countdown #4

Mickey’s Christmas Carol

To me, Mickey’s Christmas Carol is a timeless classic; it has timeless characters playing other timeless characters. The story of a Christmas Carol has been done to death, you can even find some of the examples in my countdown, but one of the best is with Mickey’s cast. Mickey plays poor Bob Cratchit who works for Ebenezer Scrooge. One of the best parts is Donald, playing Scrooge’s nephew, burst into the office trying to sell Christmas wreaths. Goofy plays Jacob Marley, and makes a pretty terrifying ghost in my opinion. All that set aside, the thing I love most about this special is that Scrooge McDuck plays Ebenezer Scrooge. When I was a kid, seeing Scrooge playing a different Scrooge blew my mind. This is a must watch every Christmas, and I highly recommend you grabs some friends and watch with them.

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