Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Special Countdown #2

Twas the Night Before Mxymas

Mr. Mxyzptlk arrives on earth on Christmas Eve with a plan to take over the planet by destroying hope. To do this, the magical imp puts a spell over the people of the world that causes them to relive Christmas Eve over and over again. His theory is if you take away tomorrow, you take away hope. The only person to notice that he is reliving the same day over and over again is Clark Kent, who begins to notice that the people of earth are becoming more hateful each time Christmas Eve resets itself. This Christmas special does take it pretty dark as there are talks of world war and wide spread disaster at points, but with Howie Mandel playing the part of Mr. Mxyzptlk the comedy helps balances out the story. Can Clark Kent stop the evil imp and save Christmas? This looks like a job for Superman!

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