Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Special Countdown #8

Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Invasion of the Secret Santas!

This is a fun episode, as most of the Brave and the Bold episodes are, and this one co-stars The Red Tornado and sends him on a search to find out exactly what Christmas spirit really is. For those of you who do not know, Red Tornado is an android and emotions are a mystery to him. There is a great segment where Tornado decorates his house, goes caroling, and even wraps presents. Sadly, Red Tornado has to put his search on hold when he discovers that the city is being attacked by flying saucers. Tornado rushes to the scene and finds Batman already in battle with the invaders. During the fight, Batman figures out who is really behind the invasion and sets out to stop the crazed villain before he destroys Christmas.

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